NCERT Books For Class 3: National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) is responsible for publishing the books for 1 to 12 Classes of CBSE schools. NCERT is only responsible for publishing these books for the schools coming under the umbrella of CBSE. NCERT books for Class 3 will help you in your preparation for your studies and examination. In this article, you can find the NCERT books for Class 3 all subjects i.e. Maths, EVS, English, Hindi, and Urdu.
All the NCERT books for class 3 contain images that make the students feel very intuitive to read the book. Every student should read the NCERT Textbooks in order to build a strong foundation for higher classes. NCERT books have all the material that a class 3 student needs to develop. You can download the NCERT Textbooks for free from this article.

NCERT Books For Class 3
All the NCERT books have been framed according to the CBSE guidelines. These NCERT books are easily available in the market. The NCERT books are also published in the online mode. Here we have provided the NCERT books for all the subjects.
NCERT Books for Class 3 हिंदी
The name of the NCERT Hindi book for Class 3 is Rimjhim and it has a total of 5 chapters. The book contains exercises that are fun to do. You need to read the chapters thoroughly in order to answer the questions present in the exercises. This book will help you in developing the thinking ability that every student requires at an early stage. The class 3 student will build a good Hindi vocabulary.
- पाठ 1: कक्कू
- पाठ 2: शेखीबाज़ मक्खी
- पाठ 3: चाँद वाली अम्मा
- पाठ 4: मन करता है
- पाठ 5: बहादुर बित्तो
- पाठ 6: हमसे सब कहते
- पाठ 7: टिपतिपवा
- पाठ 8: बंदर बाँट
- पाठ 9: अक्ल बड़ी या भैंस
- पाठ 10: क्योंजीमल और कैसे कैसलिया
- पाठ 11: मीरा बहन और बाघ
- पाठ 12: जब मुझे साँप ने काटा
- पाठ 13: मिर्च का मजा
- पाठ 14: सबसे अच्छा पेड़
- पाठ 15: पेड़ पत्ते ही पत्ते
NCERT Books for Class 3 English
The name of the NCERT English book for Class 3 is Marigold and it has a total of 10 chapters. The book contains “Reading is Fun”, “Talk time”, “Word building”, “Team time”, “Song time” and “Let’s write” where you need to fill the answers for all the questions asked. This book will help the Class 3 students in developing good grammar and conversation skill. Students will become better interacting in the English language and he/she will learn new words and will develop the ability to think. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 3 English from below.
- Unit 1:
- Unit 2:
- Unit 3:
- Unit 4:
- Unit 5:
- Unit 6:
- Unit 7:
- Unit 8:
- Unit 9:
- Unit 10:
NCERT Books for Class 3 Maths in English Medium
The NCERT books for Mathematics will help you in developing reasoning ability. You will learn how to properly add, subtract and multiply numbers. The students will play with numbers, how to give and take money, play with patterns, about time, smart charts and more. Class 3 Maths is important in order to develop a strong foundation that is required in higher classes. You can download the Maths textbook in English, Hindi and Urdu language from below. The name os the NCERT book for the Class 3 Maths is Math-Magic and it contains 14 chapters.
Maths Magic
- Chapter 1: Where to Look From
- Chapter 2: Fun with Numbers
- Chapter 3: Give and Take
- Chapter 4: Long and Short
- Chapter 5: Shapes and Designs
- Chapter 6: Fun with Give and Take
- Chapter 7: Time Goes On…
- Chapter 8: Who is Heavier?
- Chapter 9: How Many Times?
- Chapter 10: Play with Patterns
- Chapter 11: Jugs and Mugs
- Chapter 12: Can we Share?
- Chapter 13: Smart Charts!
- Chapter 14: Rupees and Paise
NCERT Books for Class 3 Maths in Hindi Medium
गणित का जादू
- अध्याय 1: देखें किधर से
- अध्याय 2: संख्याओं की उछल कूद
- अध्याय 3: कुछ लेना कुछ देना
- अध्याय 4: क्या लंबा क्या छोटा
- अध्याय 5: आकृतिओं का कमाल
- अध्याय 6: लेन देन का खेल
- अध्याय 7: समय समय की बात
- अध्याय 8: कौन किससे भारी?
- अध्याय 9: बोलो भाई कितने गुना?
- अध्याय 10: पैटर्न की पहचान
- अध्याय 11: जग मग, जग मग
- अध्याय 12: कैसे-कैसे बाँटे?
- अध्याय 13: स्मार्ट चार्ट!
- अध्याय 14: रुपए और पैसे
NCERT Books for Class 3 EVS in English Medium
This subject mainly deals with science happening in day to day lives of human beings that a class 3 student need to realize. The name of the NCERT textbooks for Class 3 is Looking Around and it contains a total of 24 chapters. This subject has the highest number of the topics covered, hence a student can learn a lot from the NCERT EVS textbook. You are going to do some fun activities from the NCERT EVS Textbook so don’t miss the class. These are the NCERT Books for Class 3 EVS in English, Hindi, and Urdu.
Environmental Studies – Looking Around
- Chapter 1. Poonam’s Day out
- Chapter 2. The Plant Fairy
- Chapter 3. Water O’ Water!
- Chapter 4. Our First School
- Chapter 5. Chhotu’s House
- Chapter 6. Foods We Eat
- Chapter 7. Saying without Speaking
- Chapter 8. Flying High
- Chapter 9. It’s Raining
- Chapter 10. What is Cooking
- Chapter 11. From Here to There
- Chapter 12. Work We Do
- Chapter 13. Sharing Our Feelings
- Chapter 14. The Story of Food
- Chapter 15. Making Pots
- Chapter 16. Games We Play
- Chapter 17. Here comes a Letter
- Chapter 18. A House Like This
- Chapter 19. Our Friends – Animals
- Chapter 20. Drop by Drop
- Chapter 21. Families can be Different
- Chapter 22. Left-Right
- Chapter 23. A Beautiful Cloth
- Chapter 24. Web of Life
NCERT Books for Class 3 EVS in Hindi Medium
पर्यावरण अध्ययन – आस-पास
- पाठ 1: डाल-डाल पर, ताल-ताल पर
- पाठ 2: पौधों की परी
- पाठ 3: पानी रे पानी
- पाठ 4: हमारा पहला स्कूल
- पाठ 5: छोटू का घर
- पाठ 6: खाना अपना-अपना
- पाठ 7: बिन बोले बात
- पाठ 8: पंख फैलाएँ, उड़ते जाएँ
- पाठ 9: बादल आए, बारिश लाए
- पाठ 10: पकाएँ, खाएँ
- पाठ 11: यहाँ से वहाँ
- पाठ 12: काम अपने-अपने
- पाठ 13: छूकर देखें
- पाठ 14: कहाँ से आया, किसने पकाया
- पाठ 15: आओ बनाएँ बर्तन
- पाठ 16: खेल-खेल में
- पाठ 17: चिट्ठी आई है
- पाठ 18: ऐसे भी होते है घर
- पाठ 19: हमारे साथी जानवर
- पाठ 20: बूँद-बूँद से
- पाठ 21: तरह-तरह के परिवार
- पाठ 22: दायाँ-बायाँ
- पाठ 23: कपड़ा सजा कैसे
- पाठ 24: जीवन का जाल
We hope that this information on NCERT books and the NCERT Textbook PDFs will help you in your preparation. If you have any related queries then you can ask us and we will answer your queries as soon as possible.