JKBOSE Class 11th Result 2021 : Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) is expected to declare the results of the class 11th exam 2021 anytime soon. As per local media reports, the board was expected to declare the results after march 20. Now 11th Class results likely after March 28.
However, the scores are not released yet, although they can be released at any moment since the marks are pending for a long time now. Students who appeared for the exam are advised to keep a close eye on the official website – jkbose.nic.in. Once the results are out, students can easily check and download the results from the official website.
Also Read: JKBOSE 11th Class Important Result Update | Joint Secretary On Phone Call
Note : Since the board has released the class 11th date sheet for the summer zone, it is expected that the JKBOSE 11th Result 2021 will be released very soon. It should be noted that the board is yet to make an official announcement regarding the result declaration date.
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